Hi there!



Hi there!

Hi there!



Hi there!

I'm a
I'm a
I create visually stunning interfaces that deliver an exceptional
I create visually stunning interfaces that deliver
and engaging user experience.
an exceptional and engaging user experience.

What I Can Do

What I Can Do

I perceive design as a solution. I create every design as an answer to a specific problem. That said, I create designs for products so that they serve the user & business goals.

I perceive design as a solution. I create every design as an answer to a specific problem. That said, I create designs for products so that they serve the user & business goals.

What I’ve Done

What I’ve Done

I have worked in the wellness tech, B2B, B2C & SaaS products. So far, I have worked with 3 organizations with global operations. I have also contributed to projects involving XR technology.

I have worked in the wellness tech, B2B, B2C & SaaS products. So far, I have worked with 3 organizations with global operations. I have also contributed to projects involving XR technology.

What I Do

What I Do

I specialize in the professional design of websites, mobile applications, web apps, & wearables. I also excel in XR, graphic design, packaging, and logo creation.

I specialize in the professional design of websites, mobile applications, web apps, & wearables. I also excel in XR, graphic design, packaging, and logo creation.

Who am I

Who am I

I'm Vijay Kumar Kanumuri, a UI/UX Designer immersed in the latest design trends in the market. I'm dedicated to creating a seamless user experience through superior design.

I'm Vijay Kumar Kanumuri, a UI/UX Designer immersed in the latest design trends in the market. I'm dedicated to creating a seamless user experience through superior design.


Student Dashboard UI Design

Avengers Game

Avengers game landing page UI

Lil Touch

E- Commerce Application Case Study




Student Dashboard UI Design

Avengers Game

Avengers game landing page UI

Lil Touch

E- Commerce Application Case Study


  • Astronaut on Cars
  • Floating Astronaut
  • Floating Car
  • Silhouette in Snow
  • Astronaut on Cars
  • Floating Astronaut
  • Floating Car
  • Silhouette in Snow




Co-Founder, Epilepto | Entrepreneur | Ex-Professor, IIT Ropar

Dr. Ashish Kumar Sahani, PhD

Co-Founder & CEO, Magnimus

Abhinav Airan

Head of Design Department, K.W Design Studio

John Hayes

Design Lead, Snarf

Sarah Jane

UIUX designer and Wordpress SEO specialist, Movapps

Fernando Debernardi

UX Designer Consultant, Capgemini

Sounak Sikdar

  • Astronaut on Cars
  • Floating Astronaut
  • Floating Car
  • Silhouette in Snow
  • Astronaut on Cars
  • Floating Astronaut
  • Floating Car
  • Silhouette in Snow

Contact me

Contact me

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